Bryan Pettit Governor Lifesaving Award

Awarded August 9, 2002 Ron Pettit & Bryan Pettit of Solon will receive the Governor’s Lifesaving award for their bravery and quick actions in saving the lives of Robert Roberge and Lezlee Magee after their semi tractor-trailer went off of the road. The 2 men stopped at the scene of the accident and rendered assistance…

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Tua Tagovailo Concussion Should Have Been Prevented!

I am not one that watches the NFL or what they have to offer, as it has its own issues within the game. One of those issues is money above safety, which has been on display the last 2 weeks. starting with the post below as “Exhibit A” ( I am not an NFL or…

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Hi-Tech Bulasterone Vs. Anavar Difference

They are very different… Anavar: Prohormone w/ multiple compounds You are putting outside hormones in your body WIll suppress your natural test production while taking Will require an extensive PCT after Results much more dramatic Not for everyone Bulasterone: Boost your natural test production Can be taken by everyone, any age Will help with recovery,…

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Importance Of Salt While Eating A Clean Diet

Last week I had a client that was worried about feeling like she was over training.  She felt fatigued, lethargic and overly tired and was thinking she was working out too much. In walking through her exercise, food and liquid intake, it occurred that she was one of the few that has been eating overly…

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What is The Best Time Of Day To Workout?

I am frequently asked about when the best time is to workout. Each individual mentally and physically responds to working out in such different ways. Many operate through a day better by getting more sleep and sleeping in, so working out after work is more predictable and suitable for them and their schedule. Some who…

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